We will continue to add resources, websites, videos, external case studies and stories to our site. Please share any Co-Production resources which have inspired or helped you.
‘No More Throw Away People’ by Dr Edgar Cahn ISBN-10: 1893520021
The world café book – shaping our future through conversations that matter’ – Juanita Brown & others ISBN-10: 1576752585
‘Turning to one another, simple conversations to restore hope to the future’ by Margaret J Wheatley ISBN-10: 1576757641
‘Co-Production of health and wellbeing in Scotland’ Co-production of health and wellbeing in Scotland‘ A book published by Governance International and the Joint Improvement Team in association with the Scottish Co-Production Network and the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland
‘From passive customers to active co-producers: The role of co-production in public services – Tony Bovaird, Elke Löffler and Frankie Hine-Hughes explain what public service co-production is, and why it matters.
‘Public Service Co-Production: What it is, why it matters and how to do it’
This briefing note gives you a practical understanding of different ways of co-producing better outcomes. It also outlines how the Governance international Co-Production Star helps you to scale up existing co-production initiatives. Mini-case studies provide you with new ideas to take your co-production strategy forward. (yvonne.harley@govint.org)
See our Meet-up pages in the EVENTS section for the videos of speakers at these events.
Monmouthshire County Council Hand-drawn Local Area Coordination Video