N Wales Co-Production BIG Meet-up 7


BIG North Wales Co-Production Meet-up: ‘Skills, stories and sharing what works’ Wednesday 8 July 2014, 10.00am – 5.00pm at Parc Eirias, Colwyn Bay, Conwy, North Wales. Open event: All welcome

A day of stories to inspire, come to listen, share and learn about co-production, and people working with each other to achieve what matters to them. The BIG meet-up has been designed in sections, so people can come for part or all of the day. All welcome – we would really like 50% of attendees to be citizens so please share, we can offer them free tickets due to the great support of our sponsors.Please click on these links to download the English Leafletand Welsh Leaflet
Wednesday 7 July, Dinner in Llandudno Junction

7.30pm Open dinner at the Premier Inn, Glan Conwy, please email us so we can add you to the booking, everyone will be paying for their own dinner.
10.00am    Arrivals and refreshments

11.00am    Introduction to the BIG Meet-up & Co-production & ‘Laughing Yoga’
11.30am Theme 1: People doing things together in new ways – to achieve what matters to them
Story  1: ‘Communities of all ages which include everyone’
Panel of citizen stories and interviews
Theme 1 ‘World Café’ style group discussion: ‘What matters to you? How can people do things better together, in new ways, to live the lives they want?’
Better conversations at the co-production table: discussions will be captured and shared as part of the ‘The Wales We Want’ national conversation.
Story 2: Changing our approach – Life after stroke
How NHS Wales involved people in the redesign of their after stroke care service.
Michelle Graham, Stroke Programme Manager, 1000 Lives Improvement, NHS Wales.
1.00pm    Lunch – people can visit conversation spaces with stalls & stands.
There will be a well-being area with places for people to meet and connect.

Theme 2:     Sharing stories about our tools and assets – using what we have
1.45pm    Travelling conversations… Stalls conversations, table discussions and workshops – some workshops will be repeated in this time:
•    Co-Production and schools – how far is it possible?
•    Co-Production and Place-Making – Cynefin Anglesey & Wrexham
•    Co-Production and Direct Payments (Flintshire C.C.)
•    Co-Production and Time-Banking – Timebanking Wales & Interlink RCT
•    Co-production and Prudent Health Care – how can you get involved?
•    Co-Producing knowledge and solutions – café conversations
•    Co-Production and bottom-up citizen-driven innovation in public services and technology
•    ‘Transforming’ Co-production – breaking through the traditional barriers and protocols!
•    Co-Production & 1 person’s journey: Andrea Hughes
3.15pm Refreshments
3.40pm    Story 4: Setting up a Time Bank in Gwynedd.
Geoff Thomas, Time Banking Wales & Bethan Williams, Mantell Gwynedd.
4.10pm    Theme 2 Discussions at themed stations: Your stories, if the people involved in receiving the services received more of a voice, what would that look like?
4.45pm    Reflection, action plan, thanks and close.
Networking opportunities are built in, so you leave with new connections, ideas and inspired! Tickets are £45.00 for the main event, or you can make a donation, or free if you have no budget. A separate fee for stalls and will be charged. We would like to cover expenses/fees for some people not in paid employment or self-employed.  To book/more information:

or email: workingwithnotto@gmail.com

Please email us if you wish to present or support as we co-produce the agendas of meet-ups with our learning community. Thank you to our supporters the Wales Audit Office, Good Practice Wales and 1000 Lives Improvement NHS Wales.